Friday, June 5, 2009


I am on a roll, oh (!) am I ever?
And I really don't know just what to say...
to you... to anybody... these days

And I miss people but not like they miss me.
I am hardly thought of. I can feel it in the air.
I can feel it in my ever-changing-name
At each turn of the road I can feel it
My total lack of significance
In this world, in your eyes

And I take my clothes off to expose my bones
And they say, "She just wants attention"
But oddly I hate it when you look at me
And in the buff is how I hide...
Judge me strictly by my flesh and scars
Nothing's real. Nothing's fake.
Judge me by the way I hide.

I am on a roll, oh (!) am I ever?
And I really don't know what else to do...
with you... with anybody... these days

I want to speak but I don't know how.
I want to feel but it doesn't feel good.
I want to sing but it doesn't sound right.
I want to fuck but there's so much to hide.

I want to be a "fuck and run type of girl", at times...
But I know you are a keeper
and I am bad at keeping anything safe.

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