Saturday, June 6, 2009

take. me. out

Forgive me for silence and slow motion
Sloth-like surrender

I swear I'm not this lazy. I am just tired.
Tired of this. Tired of everything. Just tired.
And possibly lonely... if I reach real far.

I am sorry I cannot become all that I am called
in your "most-drunk" moments. Your expectations
are seemingly high. Unexpectedly unreasonable.

Call me a taxi. Get me the fuck out of here, seriously.
I don't want your relationship.
I don't want anything but to relate... to you. To someone.

I miss Saturday Night Dinner Club. Political debates over pizza.
Thursday night's at Brother's Lounge... deep discussions:
Religion, sexuality, the physcological control government has
...over it's population (!)
11:00 a.m. jack and cokes watching chess matches at the 49er.
Midnight movies. Getting dressed up. Getting messed up.
Running through the streets drinking red wine straight from the bottle at 4 a.m.
...after dancing for hours and throwing up.

Take me out... for god's sake.
Take me out.

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