Thursday, June 4, 2009

sometimes my scars hurt

i can feel the tearing pain through my sleeves so i pull them up
nothing to hide, tear them off, tear them open, wipe them up
with the ruffled edges of a new dress - what a mess, what a shame

set afire something else that was nearly new - more reminders of how it's always old
now more soot on my boots and on my face
I can't keep my hands clean - I can't stop touching my fucking face
i scrub and scrub but it won't wipe off - i can't come clean
with nothing to hide, forehead black, sleeveless and bleeding out - what a mess, what a shame

And I could have been beautiful had my choices been made with more "wise" and less "heart"
unconditional with so many conditions - that's where we are, that's what we do
And I could have been clean if I had only walked away - but I have always been a mud pie child
I have always been a bloody mess

and he cries so soft - please don't marry him, please don't marry him, please don't marry him
please don't marry him, please don't marry him, please don't... marry him...

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